No. Any use of IRC construction paper, whole sheet or scraps, for an Ellison Die is a penny a cut. Additional information about the IRC Ellison Die Cut machines is available on the IRC web site: IRC Services & Pricing.
Ellison Die Cut Collection & Machines
The IRC has an extensive collection of Ellison Dies available for use including a variety of images, borders and five different alphabet fonts (upper and lower case). Five Ellison Prestige Pro die cut machines are available for use.
Patrons who bring their own paper may use die cut machines for free.
ANY use of our paper (even scrap box paper) is a penny per cut.
A variety of paper types may be used including construction paper, craft paper, and wrapping paper.
Diane Schrecker, MLIS, M.Ed.
Curriculum & Instruction Librarian
Head of the Instructional Resource Center
Office Phone: 419-207-6406
Instructional Resource Center
IRC Phone: 419-289-5406
IRC Email: