Answered By: Diane Schrecker
Last Updated: Apr 26, 2024     Views: 199

copyright page example

You may find this information detailed on a book's copyright page. Most often located across from the title page, the copyright page will contain information about the publisher (date), ISBN, illustration (art), and library of congress subject headings. 

The LC subject headings may provide details regarding the tale's country.


The Impudent Rooster
PZ8.1.R2246 Im 2004
Folklore - Romania

Juan Bobo Goes to Work
PZ8.1.M765 Ju 2000 
Folklore - Puerto Rico


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Welcome to the IRC

Diane Schrecker, MLIS, M.Ed.

​Curriculum & Instruction Librarian
Head of the Instructional Resource Center
Office Phone: 419-207-6406


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