Answered By: Dan O'Brien
Last Updated: Jun 15, 2021     Views: 93

Students who live in Ohio:

In conjunction with the Archer Library at Ashland University, the ATS Library is a member of the OhioLINK consortium and pays a great deal of money for transit services. For this reason, the ATS Library will normally not send ATS Library items to patrons within the State of Ohio. Ohio students who need items for research can use OhioLINK to have items delivered to a library nearest them.

Students who live Outside OHIO:

The ATS Library will send 15 items in a single mailing to a student once per semester or summer (or, per course for the D.Min program) if there is available borrowing space on his/her library record. The ATS Library will be responsible for the items up to the time the items have reached the patron and will purchase the tracking component so that the progress of the package can be determined. Once the items are received by the patron, he/she is responsible for all costs associated with returning the items in good, usable condition to the ATS Library by the assigned due date. If returned items, whether mailed or returned in person, are not in good, usable condition, the student is not only responsible for any overdue fines but also for the replacement cost of all items, binding costs and any processing charges.

The only items that will be sent to our students are those owned by the ATS Library. No items requested by students through Interlibrary Loan or OhioLINK and received by the ATS Library will be mailed to a patron.

Services beyond the United States:

Students who live outside of the U.S. will need to contact the ATS Librarians directly via email or telephone in order to discuss the specifics for borrowing ATS Library resources.


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Contact Us

ATS Library Staff •

Daniel O'Brien
Digital Services Librarian
Phone: 419.289.5146

Sarah Thomas, MLIS, MABS
Theological Librarian
Phone: 419.219.5168



Visit ATS Library

910 Center Street
Ashland, OH 44805
Phone: 419.289.5169


ATS Website & LibGuide

Visit the Ashland Theological Seminary Library website and Library Guide for information and collection resources.


About ATS Library

ATS Library hours, collections, and policies differ from Archer Library. ATS Library is located on Center Street, minutes from main campus.