Browse Our Answers
I'm not asked to authenticate before processing my print job.
My professor told me there's a course LibGuide available.
Where can I find library hours posted?
I have a class in this building and I don't know what the letters mean.
Someone said the library has a machine to make letters.
I need to connect my laptop, ipad, phone to the AU network.
What is the library circulation policy for books and other materials.
I'm trying to use a database / read an e-book and am being asked to authenticate.
Where can I find library hours posted?
I have a group project and we need a collaborative space.
Can I work late in the library?
I don't need a study room, but would like an open quiet area.
Hours & Updates
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Instructional Resource Center •
Contact Us •
Archer Library: 419.289.5400
IRC: 419.289.5406
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Library Text: 419.938.4134
Browse Topic Tags
- Ashland University Archives
- Campus building
- Campus Directions
- Center for Academic Support
- Group work / study
- Interlibrary Loan
- LibGuides
- Library Blog
- Library building
- Library Circulation
- Library Directory
- Library Extended Hours
- Library Holiday Hours
- Library Hours
- Library instruction
- Library Technology
- Seminary Library
- Seminary Library (ATS)
- Student Services
- Study Room
- Study space